At this meeting, Mrs. Wiwin asked us to present the results of our discussion regarding SDG's Goals. meanwhile, the other groups were asked to pay attention and make conclusions about what was discussed in the presentation. I learned many interesting things from my friends' presentations. Especially regarding the world of education in Indonesia. This aspect of education really covers a lot of things. Starting from equality in education, types of education, and much more. 

One of the groups in the class discussed quality education. It is known that quality education is one of 17 Global Goals that make up the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Education is at the root of this SDG. Specific objectives include providing more opportunities for technical and vocational training to youth and adults so they can get better jobs. Education is the process of facilitating learning or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. Quality education specifically entails issues such as appropriate skills development, gender parity, provision of relevant school infrastructure, equipment, educational materials and resources, scholarships or teaching force.

For me, the problem discussed this time is not a new thing. I have often seen lots of problems regarding educational equality that feel unfair to all Indonesian citizens. And unfortunately, not many people pay attention to it. Today, especially in Indonesia, the quality of education has not reached equality for all Indonesian people. There are still many people who do not get the 12 years of compulsory education that they should have received at the age of 6. This equality gap can be seen from the difference between urban and rural schools. Urban schools tend to have good facilities and infrastructure, while those in remote rural areas only use hut houses with makeshift tables and chairs. In my opinion, education should be a vessel for development and shaping the seeds for the future. Therefore, the government must certainly respect the right of every citizen to enjoy educational services in order to improve the quality of life of the Indonesian people. And also support from the community and educational institutions is also needed to overcome this problem, by providing training and education on technology, providing the necessary resources and participating in providing financial support. This can increase the opportunities for students from disadvantaged areas to receive a good education and reduce inequalities in access to education.

Actually, I want to discuss a lot of things for the next meeting. Especially regarding cases in Indonesia and internationally. Because in my opinion, it is very fun, where we can find out and analyze what is currently happening right now out there. But I am always ready to learn any material, especially regarding material that has never been studied before. And I can't wait to join the next class.

Regarding the learning process in the classroom, there are not many things that need to be improved in class, I feel that learning activities in class are quite enjoyable. But maybe it would be better if the tasks given are also interesting with clear instructions. Because to be honest, I often feel that I don't understand what is being instructed and that makes me a little confused. And if I may give suggestions, maybe it would be better if there were modules or material books that could be used as a reference for students in the learning process. But overall, I like the interaction in learning activities in class.


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